Jury Standards

About AAFG Jury Standards

The Ann Arbor Fiberarts Guild has long been known for the quality of the work its members make to sell and exhibit. The jury standards were drafted to promote quality and to be as fair as possible in the jury process. The current standards, posted here, have been written and amended by members of AAFG.

A rotating group of members who are knowledgeable about the standards of quality for one or more fiber techniques are invited to serve as jurors. Jury sessions generally occur in October for members wanting to show and sell work for the Holiday Sale, and in March for Fiber Feast runway and sales. Every three years all members wishing to exhibit and sell must have their work re-juried. The next three year cycle will begin in the fall of 2024.

The jury standards serve two purposes:

  • As tools to self-jury one’s own work whether selling and exhibiting or not
  • As written protocol to use in jury sessions to insure that all work by members is juried similarly and fairly.

Jury standards are living documents and as such may be amended at any time. Questions regarding jurying and the jury standards should be directed to Susan Widawski: susanwid01@comcast.net or (313) 770-4230.

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