Special Interest Groups

Warped Weavers

Warped Weavers is a subset of the AAFG membership that meets the 3rd Sunday of the month September to May (except December), to discuss ongoing work, problems, and successes, and to provide suggestions and support for AAFG members; some meetings have educational programs. You do not have to be a weaver to attend the meetings, but you must be an AAFG member in good standing. All members are welcome! Please contact Betsy Szymanski or Amy Stevenson (see Membership Roster on AAFG Members page) if you would like to be added to the e-mail distribution list.

Upcoming meeting:  Sunday, September 15, 2024, from 1-3 p.m.  The meeting will be held at Karen Roberts’ house (find Karen’s address in the Membership Roster on the password-protected AAFG Members Only page). Karen will be talking about her visit to the Melissa Cody MOMA exhibit.

Members are encouraged to share items for show and tell. Bring ideas for future meetings and educational opportunities, too.

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