Warped Weavers
Warped Weavers is a subset of the AAFG membership that meets the 3rd Sunday of the month September through May (except December). The group discusses ongoing work, problems and successes, and provides suggestions and support for AAFG members who are weavers; some meetings have educational programs. You do not have to be a weaver to attend the meetings, but you must be an AAFG member in good standing. All members are welcome!
The next Warped Weavers meeting will be held Sunday, April 20th from 1-3 p.m. at the Dexter Public Library. Bring your weaving work and/or items to discuss. Ideas for future meetings and educational opportunities are also welcome.
To be added to the email distribution list, contact Amy Stevenson or Laurel Barnes. See Membership Roster on AAFG Members Only page for contact information.