Elizabeth Walther
“Milkweed Pods”Barb Schutzgruber
“The Woods”Terrie Voigt
“Sweater”Mary Valerie Richter
“The Cost of Freedom I”Robin Wilt
“The Chain: Each Link Deserves Another”Marla Smith
“Linen Shirt”Mary Valerie Richter
“The Cost of Freedom II”Barb Schutzgruber
“Skin: We’re All Part of the Same Cloth”Kathy Zasuwa
“Quarantine Quilt Season of Change”Karen ONeal
“Six Transformations”Marla Smith
“KoolAidCoCOON”Terrie Voigt
“Jacket and Scarf”Lois Bryant
“Moments of Wonder”Lois Bryant
“Moments of Joy”Jill Ault
“No Crossbars”Sandy Kunkle
“Marsh Inspired”Anne Flora
“Le Jardin Majorelle”Jenny Schu
“Leaf Me Alone 1”Lois Bryant
“Midnight in Spirit Garden”Jenny Schu
“Fancy Evil Eye Bangle”Jenny Schu
“Cleavage”Jenny Schu
“Aziraphale x Crowley”Jenny Schu
“Klingon Light”Helen Welford
“Cataract #2”Helen Welford
“Cataract #1”Helen Welford
“Insight: Drusen”Helen Welford
“Coventry Remembered”Bonnie Kay
“From Springer to Mt. Katahdin, High Peaks and Rolling Valleys”Bonnie Kay
“Asymmetric Roses”Bonnie Kay
“Green Sea of Ribbed Roses”Helen Welford
“En Route”Judy Loyd
“Holiday 2020”Barb Schutzgruber
“Hiking the Coastal Path”Terrie Voigt
“Jacket”Bonnie Kay
“Doubling Down on Twills”Linda Girard “FAN(S)TAS(H)TIC” Linda Girard
“Necklace”Barb Schutzgruber
“Fire on the Horizon”Linda Girard
“Sweater”Carol Fleischer
“Clouds in My Coffee”Cindy Harris
“Falling”Barb Schutzgruber “Celebration” Anne Flora
“Dream Landscape”Judy Loyd
“Color Plus Caftan”Terrie Voigt
“Scarf”Terrie Voigt
“Jacket and Scarf”Carol Fleischer
“California Sunset”Anne Flora
“Elemental”Karen Turckes
“Essence of Birch”Karen Turckes
“Believe in Peace”Karen Turckes
“Believe”Lois Bryant
“Alone Together”Karen Turckes
“Believe in Love”Lois Bryant
“2020”Carol Fleischer
“2020”Karen Turckes
“Believe in Yourself”